Digital product development team in action.

The Real Difference Between Product Managers and Product Management Consultants

The business of digital product development has become more complicated over the years. As the industry grows, the roles needed to offer competitive digital solutions keep expanding. This is especially true for product management. There are well over a dozen roles under the project management umbrella. 

While the role of a product manager (PM) is considered the most fundamental, the role of a product management consultant (PM consultant) is gaining traction as being a crucial element in the product development lifecycle. While a product manager may sing different notes, often the melody, the product management consultant brings in additional notes that, together, result in a beautiful and harmonious outcome. 

In this post, we’ll consider the scope of these roles, their similarities and differences.

Product Manager

Imagine a skilled conductor orchestrating a symphony of tasks, timelines, and talents. That’s your Project Manager! They are the navigators of the development journey, steering the ship through the seas of deadlines and deliverables. Their role involves planning, coordinating, and ensuring every team member hits the right note. From defining project scopes to managing risks, they’re the ultimate problem solvers, keeping the project on track. For specifics on the role of a project manager, including specific job descriptions used for recruitment, do read this article.

Project Management Consultant

Besides being an external resource to an organization, the role of a project management consultant is not just about managing projects; it’s about elevating them to their maximum potential. Think of them as the strategic architects of project success. Project management consultants are the maestros who bring a symphony of expertise to the table. They’re the seasoned professionals hired to sprinkle a bit of magic on your project, ensuring it not only meets but exceeds its goals.

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital product development, these consultants serve as your GPS. They navigate complexities, offer fresh perspectives, and provide a roadmap for seamless project execution. From refining processes to optimizing strategies, they’re the secret sauce for enhancing overall project efficiency and unlocking unparalleled success.

The Differences

PMs and PM Consultants have a shared goal of improving designated metrics such as efficiency and profitability. However, the major difference is in the scope of their responsibilities. A product manager is integrated into the operations of a business and is there from the ideation of a product(s) to all other stages of the product lifecycle. However, a PM consultant is more temporary and transient and may come in when the product is already halfway into its lifecycle and is often brought in for singular projects. PM consultants are essentially hired to use their expert knowledge to guide a company to a desired destination. 

PMs are more hands-on as they oversee the day-to-day activities of the entire product lifecycle within the company. When PM consultants are brought in, their role is essentially to provide strategic advice, ensure process improvements, and optimize product management practices. Consequently, the skill set differs. Whereas both have to exhibit teamwork skills, a PM has to exhibit this skill on a deeper level, ensuring that he sustains deeper connections with individual members of the product development team. A PM consultant who is only with the business for a limited time may not need to connect with the team on the same level. Similarly, although both have to possess product knowledge and product research skills, the PM consultant may not possess these skills to the depth a PM would. 

Embark on a transformative journey with MevNet Studio! Whether you’re steering a product from concept to market or seeking strategic guidance to optimize your product management processes, we’ve got you covered. Our expert product managers are ready to dive into the heart of your projects, ensuring success from within. Alternatively, our product management consulting services bring a fresh perspective and innovation to your strategy. 

Elevate your digital product development with MevNet Studio – where expertise meets innovation. Ready to redefine success? Let’s collaborate! Contact us today and let the journey begin.

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